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Human HAND spider size returns in UK after coming back from the brink of extinction | United Kingdom | News UK News

Britain’s largest spiders are now thriving in UK wetlands, according to RSPB research. Hand-sized arachnids are called fen raft spiders. They can walk on water and although their numbers fell dangerously ten years ago, they now have a healthy population size.

The fen raft is the largest of Britain’s 660 species of spider.

It is unlikely to be found in homes and pose no threat to humans.

A report from the RSPB was released this week indicating that the number of semi-aquatic rafts now number in the thousands.

The swamp raft has an impressive wingspan of three inches.

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One area is the RSPB Strumpshaw Fen in the Norfolk Broads.

Mr Strudwick went on to say: “Spiders are only seen in ditches in grazing marshes.

“They are quite shy.

“They are easy to find from June to September when the mature females have their young.”

The fen raft is a protected species under the Wildlife and Countryside Act.

This is due to its high risk of extinction.

The swamp raft was helped out of extinction thanks to a pioneering translocation project between conservation partners and funders.

This included the RSPB, as well as the British Arachnological Society, the Suffolk and Sussex Wildlife Trusts, Natural England and the Broads Authority.

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This notice was published: 2022-03-27 23:00:00

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