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City Hearts Shefffield: Over 100 Easter eggs donated to help victims of modern slavery UK News

Over 100 Easter eggs were donated by the company to City Hearts, a Sheffield charity that helps victims of modern slavery.

The charity is working with the government to provide refuge for victims of modern slavery in nine different locations in South Yorkshire, the North East and the North West.

When the victims arrive at City Heart, the charity gives them clothes and toiletries, helps them make medical appointments, gives them English lessons if needed, and enrolls them in college courses.

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City Hearts staff Emily Kidd, Alexandra Riley and Steve Burnikell

Communications manager Dianne Peters said: “It’s about rehabilitating people’s lives.”

Tony’s Chocolonely, which aims to keep its chocolate supply chain 100% slave-free, regularly donates chocolate to City Hearts customers, with each safe house resident receiving a chocolate bar from Tony on their pillow upon arrival .

This year, the company also donated 150 Easter eggs, which will be given to all shelter clients and their children, across the nine sites.

The Modern Slavery Act, which was designed to tackle modern slavery in the UK and brings together previous offenses relating to trafficking and slavery, was introduced in 2015.

Ms Peters said each person can be with the charity from two months to two years depending on how long it takes to decide on the grounds – a process that decides who is a victim

of slavery and who is not – takes.

Ben Greensmith, UK director of Tony’s Chocolonely, said 1.5 million children work on cocoa farms to make the chocolate we love.

He told how the company is deliberately a business organization rather than an NGO (non-governmental organization) because it wants to demonstrate to big business that it is possible to make delicious, ethical chocolates and make a profit.

He said Tony is looking for like-minded partners, such as City Hearts.

Allison Hilton, City Hearts Service Manager, said: “Small gifts like chocolate bars may not seem like a lot to us, but to our customers it gives them hope that the world is kind.”

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This notice was published: 2022-04-05 22:52:51

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