
Consumerism on Valentine’s Day by Louise Bloor, Hailsham Sixth Form Brighton News

Valentine’s Day. A day lived with very contrasting opinions, it all depends on the state of your relationship. But how exactly did Valentine’s Day begin and when did it become the day as we know it today?

Valentine’s Day was a day created to honor Valentine’s Day, the many in our history. In one legend, Saint Valentine was a priest who continued to marry people, even after Emperor Claudius forbade it, in an effort to create better soldiers. In another, Saint Valentine sent letters to his beloved after he was imprisoned for helping Christian prisoners escape. Throughout history, there are many Valentine’s Days, so it’s hard to know exactly how the day has been associated with love and romance, although some believe it’s due to the actions of the one of the Valentines, who married young couples in love despite the laws. not to.

Although Valentine’s Day was not originally about romance and showing love for your loved one, time has made it such a day. Now gifts are given and chocolates are eaten to show one person’s commitment to another. It’s even gotten to the point where a lack of gifts can be seen as a lack of love, a breakup. But the attitude that is being pushed in the media, for a day full of freebies, is an attitude that cannot be sustained. The waste that is created to this day only adds to the massive amounts of landfills that pollute this land, as well as the flowers that emit large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as they make their way from the growing fields. to florists around the world. . While many of the major holidays celebrated in this country have been turned into ways for companies to make big profits, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be.

Love can be shown through anything, a nice walk, flowers from your own garden or even just by saying it. Global warming doesn’t just have one cause, but anything can help, so as Valentine’s Day approaches, try to find a more lasting way to show your love. And maybe we can help slow the effects of global warming, one step at a time.

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This notice was published: 2022-04-13 08:24:24

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