
computer attacks are increasing in hospitals and town halls


The Dax hospital center (Landes) was paralyzed by a computer attack. For 48 hours, no computer has been working, Thursday, February 11. The situation worries and revolts the families of the sick. To free the medical data, the hacker demands a ransom. Attacks of this type are on the increase in France. Over the past six months, around fifteen town halls have been the victims.

In Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis), three months ago, a hacker paralyzed all the computers in the town. Even today, the mayor (LR), Stephen HervĂ©, still cannot connect to the municipal network. “Hackers were able to take control of our servers, encrypt all of the data”, explains the mayor. Most of the time, hackers operate from abroad and are subject to a well-organized organization. “These are groups […] structured with companies, specialized cybercrime SMEs who create these attack software, and who will have associates who will carry out the attacks “, specifies a cybersecurity expert interviewed by France 2.


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