the aggressor indicted and imprisoned

The 38-year-old Sudanese, alleged perpetrator of the fatal attack on Friday, was remanded in custody at the Pau remand center, the city’s public prosecutor said on Sunday.

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The Pau public prosecutor’s office announced on Sunday February 21 that a 38-year-old Sudanese man had been indicted for murder and imprisoned. He is suspected of being the alleged perpetrator of the fatal attack on an asylum center official in Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), which occurred on Friday.

>> Pau: what we know about the murder of an asylum center manager

At the end of his custody, which had been extended on Saturday, the man was presented Sunday to an examining magistrate. The latter indicted him, and placed in pre-trial detention in the Pau remand center, said the public prosecutor of Pau, Cécile Gensac.

The man is being prosecuted for assaulting with a knife [13 plaies ont été recensées] the head of the reception center for asylum seekers (Cada) Isard-COS in Pau, where he had been taken in charge a few years ago. The victim, a 46-year-old father, an experienced social worker and experienced asylum seeker, died of his injuries shortly after the assault.

In France since 2015, and benefiting until last November from a status of subsidiary international protection, the defendant was doomed to an imminent expulsion, due to convictions for violence which earned him imprisonment between January 2017 and August 2018. He had not responded at the end of 2020 to two summons to notify him of the end of his residence permit.

During his police custody, the man explained to investigators that he “harbored reproaches” towards the Cada Isard-COS in Pau and considered “that its situation does not[avait] not properly treated “, said the prosecutor on Saturday. Fearing to be returned to Sudan at war, he had come on Friday to obtain from this body “a paper for the attention of Ofpra (French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons) in order to allow its maintenance on the national territory “, according to the magistrate.

She had pointed out that the suspect was “neither reported nor recorded in the context of violent radicalization, and the elements collected make it possible to rule out any terrorist intention”.

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