
Home schooling: new dysfunctions identified



Video length: 2 min.

Home schooling: new dysfunctions identified
France 3
Article written by

A.-C. Dagger, C. Guttin, P. Lagaune, B. de Saint Jore

France 3

France Televisions

In the aftermath of a delicate home school recovery, teachers and students reported new bugs on Wednesday April 7th. Malicious acts or lack of preparation? There are many questions.

Another hard day for some students. On social networks, some continue to complain of difficulties in accessing their online courses. For 24 hours, the computer systems of the National Education have been in turmoil. The National Center for Distance Education (Cned) has documented dozens of attacks. “We have suffered truly extraordinary attacks“, regrets Michel Reverchon-Billot, CEO of Cned.

This hacking, put forward by Jean-Michel Blanquer, is probably not the only explanation for these repeated bugs. There would also have been overloads on digital workspaces (ENT). “There were a lot of connections all of a sudden yesterday morning, but again this morning because we needed to talk to our students. ENTs did not support this large number of connections“, explains Sophie Vénétitay, SNES-FSU Deputy Secretary General. Since Tuesday, April 6, nearly 12 million students have been affected by distance school.


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