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Hertfordshire County Council now conducts Covid contact tracing UK News

Hertfordshire County Council has taken responsibility for identifying contacts of people who have tested positive for the coronavirus.

The local authority, rather than the NHS Track and Trace, is now responsible for contact tracing in the county and has teams that will get in touch with anyone who tests positive.

The new approach is expected to mean people who have tested positive will be contacted faster than before, as the process can begin as soon as the case is submitted to the NHS testing and tracing system.

Teams will ensure that those who have tested positive and any other members of their household who need it can successfully self-isolate.

In February and March 92 percent of positive cases in Hertfordshire were reached and the contact tracing process completed.

However, the national structure will continue to provide support in tracing the contacts of residents who test positive.

Jim McManus, Director of Public Health for Hertfordshire, said: “The new program is an important milestone as it will allow district and borough council teams to use their local community knowledge and expertise to determine more quickly where people may have been taken. the virus, and this knowledge will help stop the spread and identify possible local outbreaks.

“As our Self-Isolation Support Day last month again demonstrated, our residents are amazing – most self-isolate when they need to, and that’s fantastic.

“However, we fully understand that some of our residents need support to self-isolate effectively and anyone in need of support can contact HertsHelp who can help in a number of ways.”

HertsHelp, a network of community organizations, can help residents with a range of services such as mental health support, collecting essential medical supplies and purchases, money and debt issues, and organizing help when needed with pet care.

HertsHelp can be reached by telephone on 0300 123 4044 or by e-mail and

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This notice was published: 2021-04-18 16:00:00