UK News

Premier League vows to hold ‘big six’ to ‘report by its rules’ UK News

The Premier League has criticized plans for a breakaway European Super League and vowed to hold the ‘big six’ to ‘account by its rules’.

The bomb plan, announced on Sunday, saw United join Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, Tottenham and six other European clubs to create rival competition for the Champions League.

Three more clubs are expected to join the separatist group as founding members of the new competition, which will start “as soon as possible” to potentially present 20 teams.

Now, after a two and a half hour meeting with 14 Premier League clubs, the league has broken its silence on the proposed move.

In a statement, they said: “The Premier League, alongside the FA, met with the clubs today to discuss the immediate implications of the Super League proposal.

“The 14 clubs present at the meeting strongly and unanimously rejected the plans for the competition. The Premier League is considering all available actions to prevent it from progressing, as well as to hold the shareholders involved to account according to its rules.

“The League will continue to work with key stakeholders including fan groups, government, UEFA, FA, EFL, PFA and LMA to protect the best interests of the game and will call on the clubs involved in the proposed competition to immediately cease their involvement.

“The Premier League would like to thank the fans and all stakeholders for the support they have shown this week on this important issue. The reaction proves how much our open pyramid and our football community mean to people. ”

The statement comes as Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told football authorities he is ready to introduce new legislation to prevent the formation of a European Super League.

In a meeting with the FA and the Premier League, the Prime Minister expressed his “unwavering support” for their efforts to block the so-called Big Six clubs from the England match in preparation for the new separatist competition.

Mr Johnson told the virtual meeting that the government should “drop a legislative bomb” to prevent the proposal from going ahead as planned, sources said.

“No action is off the table and we are exploring all possibilities to ensure that these proposals are stopped,” said the Prime Minister after the meeting.

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This notice was published: 2021-04-20 13:49:01