UK News

Boris Johnson Focuses on Tackling Crime as ‘Sneaky Scandal’ Rumbles | Political news

Boris Johnson is trying to focus his attention on tackling crime and recovering from the coronavirus, despite a number of allegations against him that could hurt his party’s electoral chances.

Two new polls suggest the Tories’ lead over Labor was reduced ahead of Thursday’s local elections in England and the vote for parliaments in Scotland and Wales.

In The Mail On Sunday, the prime minister said he was “taking down gangs hard” and will set up a “pet theft task force” as part of a plan to crack down on the criminality.

He added: “If we are to be successful in reaching the next level across the UK, we need to give everyone the security and confidence that comes with having a safe street and a safe home.”

He also praised the COVID-19 vaccination program, saying: “This country is moving cautiously but I hope irreversibly through the stages of the roadmap.

“Week after week, we see how the deployment of the vaccine helps restore our freedoms – and with those freedoms, I have no doubt that our economy will rebound strongly.”

An Opinium poll last week showed the Tories were five points ahead of Labor, with 42% to 37%.

That’s a two-point drop for the Tories and a four-point improvement for Labor from a week earlier.

A Focaldata poll put Labor at 39%, one point behind the Tories.

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PM: Flat story a “ farrago of nonsense ”

The polls come as concerns grow within the party that recent “sleaze” claims against Mr Johnson will cost dearly at the polls.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-02 03:20:00