UK News

Every Lockout Rule Change You Need To Know Before May 17th UK News

As the UK sees a decline in coronavrius cases and a rapid rollout of vaccines, Britons will see lockdown restrictions ease even further on May 17.

The third leg of Boris Johnson’s roadmap out of lockdown is set to take place in England on May 17, but restrictions will still differ from country to country.

The rules currently allow people to gather in small groups outdoors, as well as to eat al fresco meals in pubs, cafes and restaurants, although a large number of measures are still in place.

This month we’ll see other sectors of the economy allowed to reopen, as well as a possible resumption of international travel.

Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming changes to the UK.

What will change in England from May 17th?

The UK government has confirmed that Stage 3 of the England lockdown roadmap will take place no earlier than May 17, after a further review of the data and four key tests.

As long as it is safe to take the next step as planned, all of the highest risk areas will be allowed to reopen, with Covid-secure guidance in place.

This will include the reopening of:

  • inner hospitality, without obligation to serve a hearty meal with alcoholic drinks and without curfew. The obligation to order, eat and drink seated (“ table service ”) will remain
  • outdoor entertainment remaining, such as open-air theaters and cinemas
  • indoor entertainment, such as museums, cinemas and children’s play areas
  • remaining housing, such as hotels, inns and bed and breakfasts
  • indoor group sport and exercise classes for adults
  • some major events including conferences, theater and concert performances and sporting events. Indoor controlled events of up to 1000 people or 50% of a venue’s capacity (whichever is lower) will be permitted, as will outdoor events with a capacity of 4000 or 50 %. The government will also make special arrangements for large open-air halls, with seating, where crowds can be safely distributed, allowing up to 10,000 people or 25% of the total seating capacity.
  • international travel, subject to revision

Weddings, receptions, funerals and memorial events including revivals can also take place from this date with up to 30 participants.

A wider range of self-sustaining life events will also be permitted, including bar mitzvahs and baptisms.

Most legal restrictions on meeting other people outside will be lifted, but gatherings of more than 30 people outside will remain illegal.

Indoors, people will be able to socialize in groups of 6 or with another household. The government has said it may be possible to go further at this point, but that will depend on the data.

What will change in Scotland from May 17th?

As of May 17, all regions of Scotland are expected to upgrade from level 3 to level 2.

At level 2, you can meet socially in groups of up to:

  • 4 adults from 2 households in private houses – and can stay overnight
  • 6 adults from 3 households in a covered public place, such as a cafe, pub or restaurant
  • 8 adults from 8 households outside

All reception venues will be authorized to open until:

  • 10:30 p.m. indoors – alcohol will be allowed and customers will need to reserve two-hour slots
  • outdoors – local licensing laws apply

All organized sports and physical activities can be continued, with the exception of indoor contact sports for adults.

Cinemas, theaters, concert halls, concert halls, comedy clubs, game halls and bingo halls may open, subject to capacity constraints.

Outdoor and indoor events can resume, with a maximum capacity of 100 indoors, 500 in outdoor seating venues and 250 in freestanding outdoor venues, subject to physical distance capacity requirements.

Universities and colleges can revert to a more blended learning model.

Non-professional performing arts organized by adults can resume outdoors.

What will change in Wales from May 17th?

From May 17 in Wales, it is hoped that all hospitality establishments will be able to reopen for room service.

Domestic tourist accommodation, including hotels, inns and bed and breakfasts, are also expected to reopen from that date.

Indoor attractions, including cinemas, bowling alleys, theaters and stately homes, will once again be welcoming visitors.

What will change in Northern Ireland in May?

The next phase of easing lockdown restrictions in Northern Ireland is expected to take place a little later than the rest of the UK, with changes to be implemented from May 24 at the earliest.

The Northern Ireland executive gave this date as a tentative date on which other restrictions could be lifted, including:

  • Reopening of indoor hotels, including pubs and hotels
  • Resumption of indoor group exercise
  • Some interior mix of households in private dwellings
  • Reopening of guest rooms and hotels
  • Restarting Wedding Receptions …

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This notice was published: 2021-05-07 06:33:00