
Barnsley Events Company Responds To ‘Influential’ Whitby Residents Who Blocked His Plans For A Pop-Up Zip Line And Calling It Rude Yorkshire News

Barnsley-based Big Bang Promotions had approached the Scarborough Council on a plan to install the two lines running from the Whitby Pavilion parking lot to West Pier in time for the summer season when coronavirus restrictions are lifted.

The proposal, which had drawn criticism from local groups, one of whom called it “horrible” and “rude”, would have led thrill seekers 300 meters from the West Cliff to a landing site in front of the lighthouse on the West Pier to the end. of September.

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Last week, the council confirmed that it had decided it could not support the idea, ending any chance of its progress.

In a statement to the Local Democracy Reporting Service, the company said it was “disappointed” by the council’s decision and blamed “influential” members of the Whitby community for spreading misconceptions about the pop-up attraction.

A spokesperson said: “We fully respect the decision made by the Scarborough City Council and, of course, the sentiments of the local community are extremely important to any small business looking to invest in the city.

“Obviously we are disappointed, as a Yorkshire based leisure company that has been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic and was looking for opportunities to allow us to get back on track.

“Despite our experience in running pop-up zip lines across the country, which are generally well received by stakeholders, this is the first time that we have faced such strong opposition to the activity, especially since it has never it was to be a permanent accessory.

“The proposal definitely polarized opinions, objections were widely reported but, as social media shows, there were also a large number in favor, especially from younger generations and families looking to do an activity together.

“The strength of the sentiment against the proposal seems to come primarily from certain influential members of the community who were heavily guided by predetermined misconceptions of the activity and the customer demographic that the activity is attracting.

“However, that said we didn’t actually have any contact with anyone from Whitby to discuss the proposal formally or to ask relevant questions.”

During the consultation, John Freeman, president of the Whitby and District Tourism Association, called the proposal a “terrible idea.”

He added: “I find it amazing that anyone could even think of such a crude idea.

“He totally disagrees with the image that Whitby wants to project. We are not Blackpool or Scarborough and we certainly don’t want to go down that path. “

In response, Big Bang Promotions said the comments were “wrong” and “derogatory.”

The spokesperson added: “Our customer demographic is made up of top families, moms and dads with teens, charity fundraisers running a challenge activity to raise money, gift experience voucher holders, local businesses that They hold team building events, school groups also do educational workbooks as people already looking to visit for the day.

“It was mentioned that Whitby did not want to attract ‘that kind of people’ in reference to people who participated in zip lining activities, which we think is wrong.

“Zip lines are currently operated in various places in the country, including spas like Bournemouth, to call them ‘rude’, which was the word used in this case, we think it was a bit derogatory to the places that have them, the participants and the activity itself. “

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This notice was published: 2021-05-17 13:20:13