UK News

Mike Freer ‘stomach aches’ after anti-Semitic incident UK News

The MP for Finchley and Golders Green blasted the anti-Semitic protests seen in north London over the weekend, saying they made him “sick to the stomach”.

Police are investigating a report of anti-Semitic abuse after a convoy of cars draped in Palestinian flags was sighted in north London on Sunday.

In a video that circulated on social media, a man is heard ringing a loudspeaker: “F *** the Jews, f *** the movement, f *** all.”

MP Mike Freer, who is also government whip, said: “The scenes I witnessed in my constituency today left me with a stomach ache.

“The blatant and overt anti-Semitism that is manifesting itself today, deliberately targeting areas with a large Jewish population, is nothing less than incitement to hatred and I have urgently raised the issue with the Minister of the Interior, the commissioner and the mayor.

He added that the Home Secretary said she was working with the police to ensure this is dealt with “quickly and firmly”.

Metropolitan Police confirmed hours after the video was posted on Twitter Sunday afternoon that four people had been arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated public order violations.

The incident comes amid rising Israeli-Palestinian tensions – over which thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched through London on Saturday to the gates of the Israeli embassy.

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This notice was published: 2021-05-17 15:02:34