
Amazon apologizes to fishmonger for requesting abandonment of “Prime Day” Business News

Amazon apologized to a fishmonger for demanding that he stop using the term “Prime Day”.

Lawyers acting for the online retail giant have contacted Robin Moxon, who operates four stores in London, about his ads for premium fresh fish.

They claimed buyers could confuse references on its website to “Prime Day Boat Fish” for the US company’s two-day event offering offers to its members.

Mr Moxon had to explain that the term had been used by fish sellers long before Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 – and accused the company of being “heavy and offensive.”

“Basically I was like, ‘Are you pissing?’” He said.

“This phrase has been used by many people probably for hundreds of years, and I have used it regularly for 30 years.

This phrase was probably well used before Amazon existed in this country and before Jeff Bezos was a glint in his mother’s eyes.

“I have used it and will always use it, and I don’t see how it can affect their business.”

Amazon attorneys Morgan, Lewis & Bockius wrote to Moxon’s Fishmongers on June 21, the start of its sales promotion event.

The lawyers said, “Amazon appreciates your enthusiasm for its Prime Day; however, they want to ensure that Prime Day brands are not used in this way or by other brands.

“If we can get the Prime Day references on your website and anywhere else on your social media accounts where they may exist, retrieved, and your assurances of the above, we can consider this matter closed.”

After speaking to Mr Moxon, the company then apologized after “clarifying the root of the term ‘first-day boat’ in the context of the fishing industry.”

An Amazon spokesperson said: “This email was sent in error and we apologize for the inconvenience.”

Additional reporting by the Press Association

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This notice was published: 2021-07-04 10:08:20

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