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Couple convicted of double murder near school in Mill Hill UK News

Two men have been convicted of double murder near a school following a dispute over a £ 15,000 debt.

Shkelqim Paja, 36, married, father of three, and Arber Fesko, 30, were stabbed to death in Mill Hill on December 19, 2019.

Following a trial in Old Bailey, Besnik Berisha, 43, and Kiziku Tuwizana, 33, were convicted of their murders.

Tuwizana was also convicted of having a firearm with intent.

The court heard how terrified members of the public alerted police to the knife attack, but by the time the police arrived the bodies were gone.

The victims were rounded up in Berisha’s white Peugeot van and Mr. Paja’s black Mercedes and chased away.

Among the rubbish left on the road were two knives and puddles of blood from the victims, one near the gates of a school, jurors said.

Mr Fesko’s body was later found in the trunk of the Mercedes at Scratchwood Services, a 10-minute drive away.

The next day, Mr. Paja Kosovar was discovered by a jogger thrown into a hedge about eight kilometers away.

Prosecutor Jane Bickerstaff QC said Mr. Paja had lived near where he was killed and also owned a one-bedroom apartment where Mr. Fesko, his wife’s cousin, had lived.

She told jurors that before the murders Mr Paja fell out with Berisha who owed him money.

The debt included a ‘substantial’ loan outstanding of over £ 15,000, it was claimed.

On December 3, 2019, Mr. Paja texted Berisha “Hey buddy, I need the money,” the court said.

On December 17, an attempt was reportedly made to enter the apartment where Mr. Fesko lived.

The day before his death, Mr. Paja arranged to meet Berisha and text her: “Are you planning to give this money or not.”

Then on December 19, Berisha phoned Mr Paja and appeared to promise to repay what he owed that evening at 8 p.m., Ms Bickerstaff said.

That evening, Mr Paja messaged Berisha that he was expecting her, giving her the postcode for Courtland Avenue, where he was attacked.

The defendants were linked to the DNA murders, they told jurors.

Tuwizana’s DNA was found on a red pocket knife near one of the pools of blood while Berisha’s DNA was on an empty knife sheaf.

In his defense, Berisha said he and Tuwizana were involved in an “investigation” to steal drugs and money from dealers.

He claimed that Mr. Fesko became aggressive and blamed him for an earlier attempted break-in at his apartment and hit him on the head.

He said others then attacked the victims with knives.

Tuwizana said he was on his way to Colchester to see his girlfriend when he drove the victim’s Mercedes to the gas station – with Mr Fesko’s body inside.

He claimed to have suffered a serious knife wound and to have been knocked unconscious by the victims.

He told jurors he jumped into the Mercedes with the keys on the ignition and walked away, unaware there was a body in the trunk.

Berisha, from Barnet, and Tuwizana, homeless, have been remanded in custody to be sentenced next Friday.

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This notice was published: 2021-07-09 15:37:32

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