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Driving Covid: Here’s how the pandemic has changed driving habits UK News

A Chigwell car dealership offers his take on how the pandemic has affected our driving habits for good.

David Reid, of Volvo Cars East London, said there had been positive environmental impacts and behavioral changes.

1. You drive faster

“Unsurprisingly, less time spent in our cars over the past 18 months has led many drivers to think their driving ability is a bit rusty.

2. You’re less likely to have an accident… but it’s more likely to be fatal

“With fewer people driving on the roads, car crashes have decreased – which is certainly a positive thing to take away from the past 18 months!

3. You cannot remember who owns the right of way

“Who goes to a T-junction first, again?” As drivers, we all have a duty to keep our knowledge up to date, and that includes refreshing our memory of the rules of the road, especially if you’ve spent a lot of time away from the road.

4. You pack different essentials

“It’s always a good idea to take the essentials with you on a road trip. Depending on where you are and the time of year, these essentials might include a map, tire change tools, torch, and blanket.

5. Your car needs loving care

“The nationwide reduction in driving frequency has resulted in a significant increase in vehicle health problems. With drivers spending much less time on the road than before the pandemic, our car batteries are taking a bit of it.

6. You tire more quickly

“It’s natural to feel nervous before a long drive, especially if it’s a new destination – and that anxiety can be compounded when you drive less often.

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This notice was published: 2021-08-30 09:00:00

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