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Disposable diapers could be taxed to encourage parents to use reusable products UK News

Parents could face a new tax on disposable diapers to encourage the use of reusable alternatives and protect the environment, it has been reported.

The move is said to be aimed at preventing diapers from going to landfills, but some have warned of additional time constraints for busy parents.

This is part of a campaign to reduce environmentally harmful waste, reports The Mirror.

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A government consultation has already been announced to dispose of single-use plastic plates, cutlery and styrofoam cups.

Ministers hope the campaign, which would apply to England, will force companies to switch to greener and better-for-the-planet alternatives.

Now reports indicate that single-use diapers, used by many parents across the country, could be the next item on the list.

A Whitehall source involved in politics told the Daily Mail: “The next single-use plastic item we are looking at is diapers.

“But you can’t ban them – it would be too difficult for the parents. It should take some form of a tax.”

No date has been set for any changes and details around the idea are not yet known.

Justine Roberts, of the Mumsnet Parenting Forum, warned reusable diapers take longer for busy parents.

She said: “It would be good for parents to have affordable and greener options.

“Ideally, parents want to make greener choices, but it’s hard when they’re busy and finances are depleted and struggling to find time for themselves.”

She added that while no one doubts the need to act for the environment, there is a need for “viable options” for consumers.

According to the environmental group City at Sea, eight million disposable diapers are thrown in landfills every day.

Disposable diapers could be taxed
Disposable diapers could be taxed

Keep Britain Tidy said in a campaign earlier this year that many people mistakenly throw diapers into recycling, contaminating other recyclable items.

Chief Executive Officer Allison Ogden-Newton said: “A truck load after a carefully segregated and collected recycling load is being rejected because so many people don’t know they can’t recycle diapers and contaminate their recycling with them. sticky in there.

“Not only is this costing our local authorities hundreds of thousands of pounds a year, it is an environmental disaster.

“The message to anyone who uses disposable diapers needs to be clearer: Diapers never go to your recycling.

“We know from our research that there is confusion among the public about recycling – our survey found that a third of diaper users admit to being confused – so we call on all disposable diaper manufacturers to use a eye-catching labeling that clearly communicates to them the product cannot be recycled. “

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