UK News

The full list of people eligible for the third dose of the Covid vaccine UK News

People in the UK with severely weakened immune systems will be offered a third dose of a coronavirus vaccine.

About half a million people with conditions such as leukemia, advanced HIV and recent organ transplants over the age of 12 will receive a third vaccine following a recommendation by the Joint Committee on Immunization and Health. immunization (JCVI).

Ministers have suspended the mass recall program to prioritize people with serious illnesses, although a separate announcement on this is expected shortly.

The announcement is separate from any decision on a recall program, but it is understood that news on this is expected soon.

Who is eligible for a third jab?

People considered to have had severe immunosuppression at the time of vaccination will be offered a third dose.

This includes the following groups:

People with primary or acquired immunodeficiency states at the time of vaccination due to the condition. This includes:

  • acute and chronic leukemias and clinically aggressive lymphomas (including Hodgkin lymphoma) that were on treatment or within 12 months of recovery
    people being followed for chronic lymphoproliferative disorder, including hematologic malignancies
  • immunosuppression due to HIV / AIDS with current CD4 count <200 cells / µl for adults Primary or acquired cellular and combined immune deficiencies - those with lymphopenia (<1000 lymphocytes / µl) or with a functional lymphocyte disorder
  • people who have had an allogeneic or autologous stem cell transplant in the past 24 months
  • people who had a stem cell transplant more than 24 months ago but have ongoing immunosuppression or graft versus host disease (GVHD)
  • Persistent agammaglobulinemia (IgG <3g / L) due to primary or secondary immunodeficiency to disease / treatment

People on immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory treatment at the time of vaccination. This includes:

  • people who were receiving or had received immunosuppressive therapy for a solid organ transplant within the past six months
  • people who were receiving or have received in the past three months targeted therapy for an autoimmune disease
  • people who were receiving or have received in the past six months chemotherapy or immunosuppressive radiotherapy for any indication

People with immune-mediated chronic inflammatory disease who were receiving or had received immunosuppressive therapy prior to vaccination. This includes:

  • high-dose corticosteroids (equivalent to ≥ 20 mg prednisolone per day) for more than 10 days in the previous month long-term moderate-dose corticosteroids (equivalent to ≥ 10 mg prednisolone per day for more than 4 weeks) during three months prior oral immunomodulatory non-biological drugs, such as methotrexate> 20 mg per week (oral and subcutaneous), azathioprine> 3.0 mg / kg / day; 6-mercaptopurine> 1.5mg / kg / day, mycophenolate> 1g / day) during the previous three months
  • certain combination therapies at individual doses lower than those above, including those on ≥ 5 mg prednisolone per day in combination with other immunosuppressants (other than hydroxychloroquine or sulfasalazine) and those receiving methotrexate (any dose ) with leflunomide in the past three months

Individuals who received high dose steroids (equivalent to> 40 mg prednisolone per day for more than a week) for any reason in the month before vaccination. Those who received brief immunosuppression (≤ 40 mg prednisolone per day) for an acute episode, and people on replacement corticosteroids for adrenal insufficiency, are not considered to be sufficiently immunosuppressed to have prevented the response to the primary vaccination.

When will the mass deployment begin?

Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the government was continuing to plan a recall program to start this month and said people most at risk for Covid-19 would be a priority for it.

However, the JCVI is still deliberating on the potential benefits of booster vaccines for the general population and is awaiting further evidence to inform its decision.

He has not yet decided to extend the vaccination program to all healthy 12 to 15 year olds.

Giving its recommendation on Wednesday, September 1, the JCVI said people severely immunocompromised at the time of their first or second dose of a coronavirus vaccine may not have been able to fully respond to the vaccination. which means they might be less protected. than the entire population.

The committee said studies were underway to determine the effectiveness of a third dose for this group of people, and since it is considered unlikely to cause harm, the JCVI decided that a third dose may be offered safely and could enhance protection.

The preference for children in this category aged 12 to 17 is the Pfizer vaccine, while those aged 18 and over will receive either Pfizer or Moderna.

These two jabs are mRNA …

More about this article: Read More
This notice was published: 2021-09-03 05:00:00

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