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Barnet council faces legality inquiry into Hendon Hub program UK News

Barnet’s council will face an inquiry into the legality of key planning guidelines as it faces continued opposition to its Hendon Hub scheme.

A High Court judge has authorized a judicial review of Burroughs and Middlesex University’s Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which supports Hendon’s redevelopment.

The document, drafted by the council in 2020, contains principles designed to guide and shape future development on the sites surrounding the Middlesex University campus at The Burroughs.

Hendon resident Richard Lecoat, who has brought an action for judicial review against the council, alleges the document is in fact a development plan, which requires a much higher level of public consultation, oversight and scrutiny than an SPD.

Richard argues that the SPD should either be treated as a development plan or be considered illegal.

Campaign group Hendon Residents said the judge, Mr Justice Kerr, had said the case was ‘important’ meaning it will now be fast-tracked through the courts and will be heard by a senior planning judge of the High Court.

The Hendon Hub scheme, a plan to build hundreds of student residences and university facilities on council-owned sites in Hendon, was approved in January, despite significant opposition from residents.

It includes a plan to turn the grade 2 listed Hendon Public Library building into a business school for the university.

Reports presented to the strategic planning committee before the program was approved acknowledged the SPD’s legal challenge and said it had been given no weight in determining the claims.

A spokesperson for the council said: “Council is aware that the proceedings have been allowed to continue by the judge on the grounds that the grounds given are ‘arguable’ and that the submissions raised by the council should be heard at the hearing. background hearing.

“Counsel is defending the proceedings and is currently working to meet the judge’s case management guidelines.”

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This notice was published: 2022-03-07 11:58:00

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