
Protect your car from messy kids! Bedford News

You can protect your car against children (photo: pexels)

Tips for making your car childproof

Crispy wrappers, old socks, juice cartons and general mud strewn all over the car are just a few of the issues faced by motorists with children.

Those who don’t know how to keep their beloved little ones from ruining their car’s interior while they’re inside, get tips on how to childproof their engine and keep it looking like new.

The car rental experts at have rounded up their top tips for keeping cars clean and kids happy at the same time.

You can protect your car against children (photo: pexels)

Among the tips offered are the removal of muddy shoes, the follow-up cleaning of the car and the laying of floor mats in the rear seats.

A spokesperson for said: “Travelling with children can create some of the most healthy and important memories, but it can also often lead to a very messy car.

“Our tips for tackling clutter are all super simple and quick to follow for busy parents during and after any trip.

“Things like encouraging kids to take off muddy boots and shoes before getting in the car, avoiding fatty foods and carbonated drinks.

“The best advice we can offer is to stay on top of any mess. Draining your car after every ride will only take a few minutes. Leave it for a few weeks or months and you’ll be cleaning up for ages.

Here are’s tips for keeping your car clean when traveling with kids.

Keep food away

Keep food away when kids are in the car (Photo: Adobe)

To avoid the inevitable sticky patches, crumbs and odors, food should be kept away from the car. Motorists who find it difficult to keep food away from their little ones on a long trip should keep an eye out for snack choices for those that can be easily cleaned up and create minimal crumbs. Fatty foods should also be prohibited.

Take off the shoes

Encourage children to take off their muddy shoes when getting into a car (Photo: Adobe)

Encouraging children to remove their muddy boots and shoes before getting in the car is a big factor in determining how messy the car can get. Super-organized motorists should keep spare bags or plastic tarps in the trunk to stow the shoes in while on the move.

rubber mat

Motorists are urged to put rubber mats in their cars to keep dirt at bay (Picture: Adobe)

Motorists who are short on car mats should purchase inexpensive rubber mats that can be cut to size and placed on the floor. After each trip, simply remove the dirt from the mats and put them back in place.

Take a garbage bag

Take a trash bag to pick up trash in the car (photo: adobe)

In order to keep waste to a minimum, motorists should always have a garbage bag handy. Children should be encouraged to throw away empty bottles, wrappers and food scraps rather than throwing them on the floor.

Avoid carbonated drinks

Giving children water instead of soft drinks for long car journeys (Photo: Adobe)

Spill a pop and the sticky marks are nearly impossible to remove. Instead, stay in water for children on long trips – any spills will dry quickly and shouldn’t leave stains.

Balls in the boot

After kicking balls in the park, motorists must throw the ball into the trunk rather than the back of the car. The same goes for tennis balls or toys, a box placed in the trunk of the car provides the best possible storage for all the essential toys.

Sit on plastic bags

If the children are about to get into the car soaked, sit them on plastic bags. This will keep the seats dry and put an end to the damp smell that comes with carrying soggy kids from the weather outside.

Empty the car

After each trip, empty the car of toys, food and any trash. Stay in control and it will never become a problem again!

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This notice was published: 2022-03-12 13:00:44

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