UK News

BBC: Hospital when does it air and where is it filmed UK News

A new observational documentary capturing the daily realities facing the NHS starts tonight on BBC Two.

The documentary follows Royal Free London staff two years after the camera first visited the trust as it entered the first lockdown.

Now the hospital is rolling out its recovery program while tackling the longest waiting list in NHS history.

This follows the pressures of surgery and an endless queue of ambulances outside A&E, each with a patient waiting to be helped.

Times Series: The show was filmed at the Royal Free London.  (BBC)The show was filmed at Royal Free London. (BBC)

It comes after six million people await non-emergency operations, including dancer Lauren whose career has been on hold for years as she waits for leg surgery.

Another true story shown in the documentary is that of nurse Rebecca, who was diagnosed with a rare cancer that needs urgent treatment before it spreads.

How to watch Hospital:

The new documentary starts at 9pm on Thursday March 24 on BBC Two and on BBC iPlayer.

The show is a one-hour special created by the team by many beloved and acclaimed documentary makers.

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This notice was published: 2022-03-24 11:37:34

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