UK News

‘Embarrassed’ man stopped using Tesco petrol station due to little-known rule UK News

A Wiltshire man has complained to retail giant Tesco after he was threatened with being reported to police for filling three jerry cans full of petrol.

Malcolm Cupis, from Keevil, said he was ‘rudely accosted’ by a kiosk assistant at the Tesco Extra store in County Way, Trowbridge on Saturday as he filled three cans.

He says he was threatened with being reported to the police for “illegally” filling three standard five-litre jerrycans after also putting fuel in his 42-year-old ex-army Land Rover Gloria.

Mr Cupis, 54, of Martins Lane, said: ‘I went to the Tesco Extra petrol station to put fuel in my Land Rover and fill up the three canisters of my old classic motorbikes and my lawn mower.

“I was busy filling the canisters when the prepaid pump was turned off and a woman came out of the kiosk and told me I would be reported to the police.

“She crossed the forecourt and shouted ‘stop it’ in front of other customers. The forecourt was crowded and it was quite embarrassing.

“She told me they had CCTV and they intended to report me to the police for breaking the law and that I was only allowed to fill two containers.

“When I got home I did some quick research and found there was no law on how many containers you are allowed to fill.”

Mr Cupis said he contacted Tesco via Twitter and asked which section of law they used to back up their policy on how many fuel cans can be filled.

He said he was told that a “maximum of two containers” for transporting fuel is permitted by law under the Transport of Dangerous Goods Regulations and the Europe Agreement.

But Mr Cupis said he thought that was incorrect.

“Why are they threatening to report people to the police with a law that doesn’t exist?” he said.

A Tesco spokesman said: ‘Under the Petroleum Consolidation Regulations we are required to have a policy in place to ensure the safe use of portable fuel containers at our service stations.

“Our policy is that only two portable containers (with a maximum combined capacity of 30 litres) can be filled at each customer visit.”

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This notice was published: 2022-04-01 07:09:00

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