UK News

Brits have a ‘this won’t happen to me’ attitude to life – including Covid UK News

Millions of Britons have a ‘this won’t happen to me’ attitude, including catching Covid or being diagnosed with cancer, according to a new study.

A study of 2,000 adults found that 37% don’t think bad things will ever happen to them, with a third feeling that Covid will simply miss them.

A fifth also assume that they will still be able to see and hear without any problems, while another 14% don’t think cancer will ever happen to them.

Others do not think they have a car accident (15%) or lose their job (15%).

A spokesperson for Yorkshire Cancer Research, which commissioned the study, said: “No one wants to spend their life worrying, but thinking that bad things will never happen could leave you off guard.

“Things like cancer – and recently, Covid-19 – can affect anyone, so people should do everything possible to reduce the risk as much as possible, look for signs and symptoms, and participate in screening when ‘they are invited.

“Symptoms of cancer can include cough, chest pain and shortness of breath, changes in bowel habits, bloating, a lump in the chest, unexplained weight loss, or unexplained bleeding.”

The study also found that 52% of those surveyed believed that people need to maintain some degree of ‘this won’t happen to me’ attitude or else they would never do anything.

Symptoms can be signs of more serious illnesses

However, the British were exposed as a result of this with some results being more serious than others.

More than one in 10 (13%) even ignored a symptom of an illness in the hopes it would go away – but found it turned out to be more serious than they thought.

And 31 percent found a lump on their body or some other potential sign of early cancer, with almost a quarter failing to get it checked out, hoping it would go away on its own.

Fears of wasting the doctor’s time (37 percent) and what they might find wrong (28 percent) are most likely to deter people from having something checked.

Get diagnosed

The study, carried out via OnePoll, also found that three in ten people who sought help were diagnosed with cancer after their appointment, while 40 percent did not need further treatment.

And 23% said they were diagnosed with another disease that was treated separately.

The Yorkshire Cancer Research spokesperson added: “Contacting the doctor to have symptoms checked at an early stage can dramatically increase treatment options and improve the chances of survival.

“It is vitally important coming out of the pandemic that people act quickly if they notice unusual changes or worry about their bodies.

“We don’t want to think cancer could happen to us, but if it does, early diagnosis could save your life. ”

Take this quiz to find out how prepared you are for anything life can throw at you.


1. I left laundry on the line and it rained

2. I didn’t put on sunscreen and got sunburned

3. Did not charge his phone before a long trip and he has run out of battery

4. Ignored a symptom of illness that turned out to be quite serious when they finally examined it

5. I didn’t buy a carry bag from the supermarket and then dropped all of their items

6. I did not wear safety glasses when crafting and got something in my eyes.

7. You have been scammed online

8. I didn’t purchase insurance and then something went wrong

9. Didn’t install security on his laptop and got virus / malware

10. Ignored a warning light on their car and had a breakdown

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This notice was published: 2021-05-28 06:30:00

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