UK News

Leaked plans for the Queen’s funeral “Operation London Bridge” UK News

The government’s plans for the Queen’s death have been leaked, explaining the plans that will be in place after her death.

New details on ‘Operation London Bridge’, leaked to Politico, suggest that the day of the Queen’s death will be known as ‘D-Day’.

Departments will be asked to lower the flags within 10 minutes after government officials are instructed and instructed to exercise “discretion.”

Prince Charles will become king upon the death of his mother and will address the nation on the day of his mother’s death.

The Prime Minister will be the first government official to issue an official statement.

The Queen will be buried 10 days after her death with Prince Charles who is expected to embark on a tour of the UK in the days leading up to the funeral.

According to some information, parliamentary work will be suspended for 10 days and the sovereign’s coffin will rest as it is for three days in Parliament.

The royal household will issue an official statement informing the nation of the monarch’s passing.

There is no indication that the Queen, 95, is in poor health and no urgent changes have been made to her funeral plans, Politico reports.

What will happen when the queen dies?

On the day of the monarch’s death, ministers will receive a call and an email saying, “Dear Colleagues, it is with sadness that I write to inform you of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen.

Details of the funeral will be announced while government and royal websites will display a black banner.

Charles will deliver a speech to the nation before meeting with the Prime Minister.

The day after the queen’s death, government officials will proclaim Charles their new king.

The day of the queen’s funeral

The day of the funeral will be a national day of mourning although employers are not required to give employees a day off.

The funeral will be held at Westminster Abbey and a two-minute national silence will take place at noon.

The Queen will be buried in the Memorial Chapel of King George VI.

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This notice was published: 2021-09-03 12:46:37

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